Business Overview
Product and business process Knowledge is commonly
captured into a set of interconnected smart applications that work in
conjunction with your strategic PLM systems. Two most popular PLM systems that
we specialize in at KSol are: (a) Dassault Systems’ CATIA V5 / Enovia V6, and (b)
Siemens/NX Systems. Once our smart applications are validated to perform the
stated business and performance objectives and deployed with your in-house PLM
system, the inherent knowledge (already captured into these smart modules) is
kicked in during a product development process.
This way, your product engineers/designers could design your family of specialty products easily, accurately and quickly from these modules. There is no need to have highly-skilled engineers, such as SMEs (subject-matter-experts), to design them manually using your native PLM system from scratch. Only a handful of your engineers (called Knowledge Keepers), who are skilled in the use of such smart technologies, are required to maintain those smart application-modules. The beauty is, using such PLM/KCR techniques, a large volume of products (a large family of product varieties with different types & customized features) could be designed rapidly. This provides great intellectual benefits for your company business growth and improves profitability (with very little or no additional investments).
This way, your product engineers/designers could design your family of specialty products easily, accurately and quickly from these modules. There is no need to have highly-skilled engineers, such as SMEs (subject-matter-experts), to design them manually using your native PLM system from scratch. Only a handful of your engineers (called Knowledge Keepers), who are skilled in the use of such smart technologies, are required to maintain those smart application-modules. The beauty is, using such PLM/KCR techniques, a large volume of products (a large family of product varieties with different types & customized features) could be designed rapidly. This provides great intellectual benefits for your company business growth and improves profitability (with very little or no additional investments).
Our PLM/KCR Services enable our clients to focus on their core business while, we at KSol, provide Industry and technical expertise and know-how to implement such smart solutions, which improve your productivity, quality and reduce product development costs. Common KCR tools, we use at KSol, include lean engineering concepts, concurrent workflow, and best-practices [e.g., design-to-cost (DTC), design-for-manufacturing/assembly (DFM/A), cost-to-ensure quality (CTQ), integrated product development/team (IPD/T), concurrent tasks management (CTM)]. We strategically employ one or more of these tools to make your business functions or product development tasks as efficient and cost-effective as possible.